St Paul's Darien Church Connecticut

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Evangelism Class


It is an exciting time to be at St. Paul’s these days, and you can see it every Sunday and during the week as the Spirit moves over the clergy and congregation! Last Sunday we began our Evangelism classes with an examination of why we should evangelize to the world outside of our church, as well as how to begin to spread the Word.  Over these next couple of Sundays we will be examining our own faith, reestablishing our own commitment to the Gospel as well as looking for examples from the Word as to how others shared their faith in Biblical times.  The message of Jesus is unchanging, and His life-altering Word still resonates today as we face a world so desperate for hope that only He can offer!


So come and join us after the 10:30 service over these next few weeks as we learn how we can fulfill Jesus’ “Great Commission,” the sharing of the Gospel with the world.  We have provided workbooks for easy note-taking and as a reference guide, and have provided past lessons online so that you may follow along should you miss a lesson.  Also, as always, a light lunch and child care is provided.





471 Mansfield Avenue Darien, CT 06820 - Click for Map
Phone Number:  203-655-8773 | Fax Number: 203-655-7831
Contact Us: [email protected] | Visit Contact Page

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