St Paul's Darien Church Connecticut

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Want to be more fully equipped?



Whether we're clergy or laity, we are all ministers. But many of lay people feel ill-equipped to do the work of ministry. Where do I learn how to teach or to lead small groups or how to plant a mission station?  Many of us come from denominational backgrounds where there are few, if any, resources available to help us engage in an effective ministry. 

The goal of St. Aidan’s Institute is to equip people to answer the call to ministry, to help them channel their energy in an effective manner, and to enable them to live lives that are focused on the call of Christ to build His Kingdom. Join us after the second service on Sunday, March 10th as we learn about this exciting ONLINE training from Canon Michael Bickford.



471 Mansfield Avenue Darien, CT 06820 - Click for Map
Phone Number:  203-655-8773 | Fax Number: 203-655-7831
Contact Us: [email protected] | Visit Contact Page

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